Tuesday, June 22, 2010

No road trip, but remembrance....

Hello again. Well, no road trip for me this past week. On Wednesday last week, the day before I was to leave for the Blue Ridge Parkway, my grandma passed away. So, as soon as I found out, my husband and I left for the east side of Michigan to be with my family and help plan for the funeral. Not only did I get to help decide the music to be played and the flower arrangements, I also got to say her Eulogy. What an honor that was!
My Grandma was a very funny lady and full of spunk. I remember her answering the door with her big Groucho Marx glasses, you know the ones with the big eyebrows and the bi nose. She always saw the best in the situations at hand and she loved to stop and admire nature and colors. Oh how she loved colors! She was a very real Christian lady and often times could be seen witnessing to others that may have not known Christ as their personal saviour.
Although, it is sad that physically she is no longer here with us, it makes my heart leap a thousand times knowing that she is walking with Jesus. One of the songs I picked for her funeral was "In the Garden" and He walks with me, and he talks with me, and he tells me I am his own. How very fitting for Grandma! Grandma, You will be missed, but I truly look forward to the day that I get to walk in that Garden with you.

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