Monday, August 23, 2010

life this month... whew!!!

Hello all! It has been so long since I last wrote! Sorry about that. This month has been the busiest month I think I have ever had. Lets see, the short version, I have worked at 3 different jobs, I have lost 4 pounds, we are moving into a new house, our new house got robbed, I have cut and did the prep work for a stamp a stack that will have 16 people, and I went to the most beautiful wedding ever! All in one month! Anyway, I am hoping that things wind down a bit in the next few weeks and that I will start really enjoying my new craft space in the new house. We haven't even moved in yet, but the craft room is painted. I am hoping tomorrow that I will be able to decorate it the way I want and situate it the best way I know how. I just can't wait to get into the house. Here is a before picture of the craft room. I will post a picture of the after when it is complete. Happy Stampin!